Paying it Forward is a wonderful family initiative. Regardless of how big your family is, you can all work together towards towards making a difference in your community. Perhaps each family member takes it in turn to pick worthwhile cause to support, and then the whole family works together on a solution. It can be as big or small as your family would like to make it and has the added bonus of bringing families closer together.

Let us know what your family is doing for Pay it Forward Day, and we can then list it on this page to inspire other families to pay random acts of kindness forward.

Thank you – we look forward to hearing how you family gets involved in a pay it forward project that makes a real difference.

Family Links

Here are some links to some charities you might wish to raise money for as a family. There are literally thousands of causes you can help support by your efforts. Here are some worthwhile charities you may wish to support (more to come):

Make a Wish Foundation

World Vision

Life Changing Experiences Foundation
