You may be just one person in this world, but to one person, at one time, you are the world. Imagine if each individual looked for the opportunity to help others each day. Imagine the difference that would make.

“If you can’t feed a hundred people, then just feed one.” Mother Teresa

Can for kindness – you can collect cans of non perishable foods and give to refuge or other organization who would benefit
Soap Saver – Getting a bunch of people who all travel for work and stay at lots of hotels to donate the free soap, shampoo and conditioner towards a group that would benefit
Book Giving – Collect books and distribute to needy groups (which might be in a poor country)
Charity Day – Sausage sizzle, selling chocolates etc. to raise money for a local charity in need
Hospital – many patients have to pay for the use of the television……..perhaps you can ask the company involved to offer discounted or free TV for patients on PIFD
Buying the train or bus ticket for the person behind you (+give them a card)
Donating some of your professional services to someone in need on the day – free hour consultation / etc….
Buy a stranger a cup of coffee and leave a Pay it Forward card for them
On a rainy day, buy a few umbrella’s and give them to those who don’t have one and are getting wet. You could attach a Pay it Forward Card to the umbrella
Visit your local church and ask if there is any family that might need your help
You may consider becoming a Pay it Forward champion and promoting the day to your local community. That way, more people of all ages are inspired to pay the kindness forward

The possibilities are endless.

“Be the change you want to see in the world.”